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Danny Galvez
4 min readJun 17, 2019

Have you ever awaken with a feeling of excitement, as if something great was going to happen? You jump up, ready to take on the world with vigor, joy, and tenacity, enthralled at the possibilities of what the day ahead holds.

Your feet hit the floor, you’re grateful to be here. You workout, put something positive in your mind, run to take a shower, shave, brush your teeth, count your toes, and check off your list of everything necessary first thing in the morning. You’re energized and Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” blares loudly in the background of your life. (Or something by Meek Mill)

You hit the proverbial door and run into the world waiting for you, but you discover…………… they’re not waiting for you at all.

Matter of fact, they’re still “waking up,” “having coffee,” or finding some way to delay the pain of their miserable existence. It’s not their fault. It’s our minds. Humans are programmed to play it safe, live in comfort, and take the easy way out, avoiding pain at all costs. If they didn’t accomplish something, or their life isn’t what it was supposed to be, it’s always someone else’s fault, some circumstance, or event that put them where they are.

Fuck that shit. That’s broken thinking. Have you ever lived with someone for a long period of time that had a broken mindset? I have for most of my 43 years of life, and guess what? It will affect the way you think and make decisions in your life.

They’re the same people who find it easier to demonize and label someone “so hyper,” “A-D-D,” “a handful,” or simply, “too much.” These are the nicer things I’ve been referred to in person. Just last week, someone close to me referred to me as Peter Pan, and I couldn’t help, but chuckle. It was a slight at me being young at heart, though they feel I’m too old to act this way……it reminded me that they still believe and hope for the existence of someone like Peter Pan. (Insult attempt failed) It’s sad.

If this is you, and you’re reading this, listen to the people closest to you, and if they utter any of these phrases, know it’s a means to suppression; the suppression and control of your spirit and energy. They don’t vibrate at the same frequency and your awakening causes irritation to their lazy, slothful slumber of a life. Fire these people before they throw you to the fire. (Believe me, they have, and they will; see “Narcissist”)

I don’t care if they’re your aunt, uncle, mom, dad, sister, brother, spouse, boss…….FIRE THEM NOW, unless you want to live a basic life riddled with limitations imposed upon you.

I share this with you because I’ve allowed the wrong people to be in my life, and as a result, I’ve invested precious time focusing on the wrong things, and living for and with the wrong people. Fuck them.

Make no apologies for taking back control of your life. They only care because you’ve left them in the dark like a mushroom to be fed the shit they love to live in. They’ll try and maintain some semblance of control over you, but keep ripping yourself away until you’re out of reach. You’re human, not a boat. You require no anchor.

As a result of my experiences, I’ve learned a few things:

a. If you want to know who someone is, tell them “no.” You’ll see them as they are in their truest form.

b. Money is a magnifier. If they’re an asshole now, they’ll probably be a bigger asshole with money. Believe me, assholes with money can be dangerous people.

In the same respect, if they’re generous and kind now, they’ll be even more generous and find ways to help more people with their wealth and abundance.

c. Don’t argue with people who tell you the truth, especially their truth. With the truth, you can make better decisions for yourself. At least you’ll know the value of your presence in their lives.

d. Live without expectations from people. Most people have no expectations, especially yours. If you’ve set the bar high, don’t look for that in 90% of the people you meet; they’re not going where you’re going, and chances are, they’re not willing to do the work to get there.

e. Judge a person not on their education, nor humble beginnings. Both have value, and the true worth is found in what they’ve done with both.

f. Make time for yourself every single day to evaluate, decompress, and find your center. This includes pushing out all negative thoughts, comments, and actions for the day impressed upon you, or by you.

g. Keep striving for excellence in your personal and professional life; be the best version of yourself every single day.

h. Celebrate and record your wins; every single one counts, big or small.

Life can be what you make it. I know it sounds cliche’, but really think about that phrase. Write down everything you want to materialize in your life. Program yourself by saying what you see, so you can hear what you say out loud. By doing this, you are training your subconscious to communicate to the universe what it is you want to appear in your life.

Our minds and freedom of choice are two of the most powerful gifts we have from the divine creator. Remember, we are made in our Creator’s image….the same Creator who made everything by speaking it into existence.



Danny Galvez

Break Free Academy Client Relations & Results Team/#IAmApex/#GCODE/Ops/Hype-Man/Co-Founder Monumental Voice Media Author/Audio book Narrator/Producer/